Formaldehyde Removal

What is VOCs and formaldehyde – harmful to human
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are organic compounds that evaporate at room temperature, such as Formaldehyde, Xylene, Ethanol, Acetone, Carbon disulfide etc. They were being the most concerned as they harm health.

Formaldehyde is a colorless chemical gas with a pungent odor at high concentration, which comes from paints, coatings and wallboards etc. It is highly irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract. Exposure over prolonged periods may lead to hypersensitivity.

Apply Chemical Originated from Japan : Marusyo Sangyo

(Marusyo Sangyo is a local high profile company in Japan, set up on 1923)

  • Apply S-3T (Formaldehyde removal)
  • Safe, non-toxic and harmless for human
  • S-3T successfully passed rigorous quality and product evaluations conducted by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
  • was registered with UNIDO’s “STePP” *

Lists of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) contractors from Environmental Protection Department                        

Use HAL-HFX105 formaldehyde meter (made in USA) to measure formaldehyde content

  • CE certified, accurate and reliable


1) Apply S-3T Formaldehyde Removal Coating Services (Without light)

  • Quickly decompose formaldehyde without light
  • Decomposes formaldehyde faster than other chemical
  • Strong formaldehyde filtering ability, purify-air and deodorize

The Indoor Air Quality Guidelines of Different Countries

1) Apply S-3T Formaldehyde Removal Coating Services (Without light)

  • Quickly decompose formaldehyde without light
  • Decomposes formaldehyde faster than other chemical
  • Strong formaldehyde filtering ability, purify-air and deodorize